Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Looking ahead - writers Mandy and Ari

Mandy: if the big thing about this year was change, so then what’s next year about? What’s the new beacon of hope that people are gonna cling so dearly to? It can't still be change. This year is almost up and I know I’ve been through a lot of change but I really hope that’s not what to expect next year. I need stability at this point.

I know that change is inevitable, the world will continue to develop and I am destined to evolve but I really need to see a point where I’m going to plateau and find that steady ground I can rely on.

Ari: ok so I had a time trying to figure out what the hell I wanted 2010 to be about so I decided I couldn't predict the future and decided I wanted my theme for next year to be "re-invention". And by that I mean, I want the world to reinvent itself, lol. I want to turn on the radio and not hear the same song being sung by different artists or go to the mall and not see a certain decade being pushed on me telling me how its "coming back in style". I'm the kind of person that craves the "new" and "improved" but for some odd reason, I keep getting shoved the same warmed over crap, lol. But I'm even looking to reinvent myself, too. I want to start this new coming year as a better, more focused and creatively daring person.

Mandy: My attention is really in the Upenyu clothing line. I’m really excited about being able to transform my designs into a wearable line and working with you on a fall fashion show for next year. That is going to be incredible. In our group of friends, collectively we are more than capable of re-inventing the stereotype about a t-shirt clothing line. 

Ari: That's why I'm excited about your line and the fashion show. Its a way break out of the boring day to day and move on to what I actually want to do with my life. That what I think the concept of the show should be, or at least one of the themes. Since Kenyatta has all of these off the wall designs for her swimsuits and you and Yoli have all these cool fashion designs how can I not be inspired! I’m actually kind of bursting with ideas and I can't wait to tell everyone about them and hear everyone else's ideas too :)

Mandy: 2010 is going to be a big year. It’s around the corner though. 2 months is not a lot of time. We’ve gotta get the wheels in motion, and FAST lol!

So readers I put it to you, what do you hope to see in 2010?

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