Friday, January 8, 2010

Hello Everyone!!

First, I would like to wish everyone a very joyous and prosperous New Year!! 2010 promises to be the best ever for Upenyu Artwear so I hope you're ready and keep an eye out for what we do next!

**Shameless Plug Alert!!***
You can now Pre-Order your very own wearable masterpiece right now at! I've already got my order in :-)

Next, I want to send a very special "you go girl" to our very own Mandy Mtetwa who has been accepted to attend school in Cape Town, South Africa for Animation and Film! Good Luck girl, I know you'll do us proud!

Now, on to new business...

This year, I'm encouraging everyone to make that change in your life that you've been planning on making since the 12th of Never. Whether its to loose weight, get that big promotion at the job, or just be a better you, make the commitment to yourself to get it poppin' in your own special way. Too many times we procrastinate and never accomplish what we want due to laziness and circumstances and when we don't achieve our goals, we bring that regret into our new year, our new beginning. Let's make this year better than the last and bring to fruition our goals and dreams. Let's Resovle to Evolve!

Now, I don't care what you want to do as long as its "relatively" safe, just get up, get out and get something. I know that sometimes its hard to get motivated but here are some tips to help get you going:

1. Ask a friend to help you complete your goal(s). The buddy system exists for a reason people!

2. Set realistic expectations of yourself. Face it, no one can loose 100 lbs. in 2 months and if you did, you're gonna look weird. Don't do it to yourself homie, make a reasonable timeline for all goals to be completed.

3. Think positively. I am a firm believer of "what you put out, is what you get back", so OD on good vibes, it can only help!

4. Remember who you're doing it for. While there are some really great motivators out there for getting your act together, make sure you're making these changes for you and you alone, because if your outside motivator disappears, then so could your resolve.

5. Don't Quit! Yes, I know it'll get hard at some points and I know that haters are there to kick you while you're down and hell, you might just get bored but still, persevere. There are few greater joys in life than knowing you control your fate and having the proof in the form a realized dream or goal. So keep on keepin' on and you won't have the same regrets following you around to the next year.

Well, it's about time that I bring this post to a close. Let the new year bring about the "Resolve to Evolve" in all of us.

Arielle Out!